Well, it's been a while since I last wittered on - the end of 2012 was quite manic, to be perfectly honest I think there was a time thief, as I'm not entirely sure where October, November and December went!!
October was full of birthdays, we moved house in November and spent the rest of November and December trying to find places for all the things we've acquired over the past several years!!
The decs on the tree have now come down, even though it only seems like 5 minutes ago since I was digging them out of the cupboard to put up!!
However, I have found time to doodle for a new set of books I'm working on...
The books are about a tree that grows ginger-nut biscuits - but only kids can get the biscuits. The tree also tells stories (as all trees in kids books do!!) but all the stories are made of rhyming couplets.
So that's this years mission - The Tales of the Ginger-Nut Tree!!
What's your mission this year?
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