Thursday 24 January 2013

Ginger Nut Tree Stories Continues...

Well, my 'January Resolution' is nearly up and I need to think of one for February - my plan was to make a new resolution to stick to each month, I figured it would be easier!!

So, this weeks blog I've done a doodle for The Ginger Nut Tree Stories, but it's for a part that's a bit further into the book. So it probably won't make any sense, but it was just the doodle that I had in my head at the time!

This part of the book, the little boy discovers a patch of grass that, at the stroke of midnight (it always has to be midnight!!), turns into a slide and takes him underground to a world of elves, fairies and, of course, SWEETS - I'm thinking Willy Wonka style :)

As January's resolution comes to a close, I'm thinking February's might be the same - to keep doodling
until I finish the book :)

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