Thursday 24 January 2013

Ginger Nut Tree Stories Continues...

Well, my 'January Resolution' is nearly up and I need to think of one for February - my plan was to make a new resolution to stick to each month, I figured it would be easier!!

So, this weeks blog I've done a doodle for The Ginger Nut Tree Stories, but it's for a part that's a bit further into the book. So it probably won't make any sense, but it was just the doodle that I had in my head at the time!

This part of the book, the little boy discovers a patch of grass that, at the stroke of midnight (it always has to be midnight!!), turns into a slide and takes him underground to a world of elves, fairies and, of course, SWEETS - I'm thinking Willy Wonka style :)

As January's resolution comes to a close, I'm thinking February's might be the same - to keep doodling
until I finish the book :)

Friday 18 January 2013

Not quite there yet...

Ok, so , my resolution for January was to blog every week - by the skin of my teeth I've made the blog this week....

I've not managed to do much more doodling to go with the story of the book, but I've done fairies - fairies are always good in a book about a tree that grows ginger-nut biscuits and tells stories, don't you think...

I have to confess though, fairies are always my favourite characters.... the tooth fairy, the christmas fairy, the creme egg fairy (what do you mean you didn't have one of those)....

So, which one should be my creme egg fairy.... :)

Thursday 10 January 2013

And so it begins....

In my blog last week I mentioned a book that I was starting to doodle the pictures for, the words are written, I just need to make it come alive with images! So, this is my first attempt for page one - the beginning...

I realise this could be a very slow, painful process. I'm going to have to progress from just drawing ginger-nut trees, and get on with the characters that are to come - there's some elves in this story (there's always elves in stories with ginger-nut biscuit trees!!) Then there's a giant in the next book, and some more elves, so many elves, it's beginning to look a lot like The Hobbit!!

Anyway, hopefully I'll have some elves to show for next week.... no pressure then!!!

Thursday 3 January 2013


Well, it's been a while since I last wittered on - the end of 2012 was quite manic, to be perfectly honest I think there was a time thief, as I'm not entirely sure where October, November and December went!!

October was full of birthdays, we moved house in November and spent the rest of November and December trying to find places for all the things we've acquired over the past several years!!

The decs on the tree have now come down, even though it only seems like 5 minutes ago since I was digging them out of the cupboard to put up!!

However, I have found time to doodle for a new set of books I'm working on...

The books are about a tree that grows ginger-nut biscuits - but only kids can get the biscuits. The tree also tells stories (as all trees in kids books do!!) but all the stories are made of rhyming couplets.

So that's this years mission - The Tales of the Ginger-Nut Tree!!

What's your mission this year?
