Monday 25 November 2013

A Doodle A Day...

Just because I like to give myself a challenge, and even more stuff to do, I thought I'd start A Doodle A Day #doodleaday

The doodles have to be a theme of the day, so the very first one I've done is the theme of "Cold" (because it's 0 degrees today!) and what more do you need on a cold day other than a lovely warm mug of coffee...

It would be great if you all wanted to join in on Twitter, I'm just going to be doing the hashtag #doodleaday

I'm not doing full on amazing drawings - just doodles.

The definition of Doodle:
1. To scribble or draw aimlessly.
2. A figure, design or scribble drawn or written absent-mindedly.

Doodles away :)

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