Tuesday, 9 April 2013

How Much?!?!?!?

Ok, so this blog post is for "nice stuff", but I really need to rant from time to time, and that time is now...

As well as doodling I also run The Design Project (NW) along with my other half Geoff. Because, clearly, I couldn't earn a living on my doodling!!

A person was heard moaning to someone that "I paid all that money and all I got was 1 logo". What they had clearly forgotten was the several variants of logo that were supplied. The brief was a very wide open one: "classic" and "expensive" - a case of the client not really knowing what he wanted, so the designs created were to assist in the filtering process. So this filtering process went on - not too long I hasten to add, it wasn't a nightmare client by any stretch.

So, what I'm ranting about is the fact that this person has "filtered" out all the behind the scenes work that goes into designing a logo. Not to mention coming up with the ideas in the first place, but also the years of experience in knowing how to bring it all together.

I'm probably also ranting about the way people under-value what designers actually do. It's one of those careers that people in general think is "easy" it's colouring in!!

A story I love is the guy that went to fix a boat...
He hammered a nail into the corner of the boat and then charged £1000 to fix it.
When the boat owner asked him how he could charge so much for just hammering a new nail in, the gentleman fixing it said "£1 for the nail and £999 for the experience and knowledge of knowing where to put the nail"

For a more comprehensive, and less ranting version of what you're actually paying
for check out these sites...



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