Sunday, 3 June 2012

Blog Hopping

As this blog is all brand spankingly new, I thought it would be a great idea to be part of the fantastic Passion for Pattern bloghop (see the link in the sidebar to start from the beginning).

I'm guessing if you're here, you've been bombarded by my incessant tweeting, or you've hopped over from the lovely Sandee at who's also part of the Passion for Pattern bloghop. After my blog, get yourselves over to Tammie's blog at and keep following the fantastic blogs.

I'm in overdrive for my doodling this week, so I'm hoping to be turning them into quite a few designs - but today's design is for a bag aimed at kids (big and small) and is a favourite of mine, simply because it is covered in camper vans - who doesn't love a camper van....

I would by something from a shop that had bags like this - just to get a bag!!!!

Happy hopping :)


  1. Hi Nicola, looking good :)

  2. "This bag has been pikadoodled" LOVE!!! Great design, good luck in everything you do :)

  3. Yes, campervans are fun! Also love the tag line on the bag - good idea!

    Valerie Brown
    Firepan Jewellery Designs

  4. Lovely work Nicola! I love the van design!
    all the best wishes in your design career!
    Rosie Martinez-Dekker

  5. Makes me go on holiday immediatly! Lovely design!

  6. everyone loves campervans. great blog, so fresh and clean (unlike mine). Have a great day

  7. I definetely want a pikadoodle camp van bag. In fact, this pattern should be everywhere. But I believe it was a clever idea to choose a market niche as well. So cute the pattern. So clever the marketing idea. Well done.

  8. I got a Service Unavailable, Error 503, when posting my comment. So here it goes again. In case it appears twice, sorry.
    I was saying that I loved the pattern. Foun it very cute. And I loved the idea of finding yourself a niche in the market. Very clever. But, anyway, I want my pikadoodle camp van pattern everywhere. Love it.

  9. I have a soft-spot for the vw microbus! Great design. I hope someday to own one of your wonderful bags. Best wishes to you as you forge ahead. Happy designing!

  10. that bag is awesome and I know for sure it is absolutely something I would buy! Well done on your new blog looks great!

  11. Wow thanks for you lovely comments :) x hope you all enjoyed the great blog hop today :)

  12. I LOVE camper vans!!! I've always dreamt of getting one and go around backpacking through Europe!!!
    Love your design, BTW :) (and your blog's name)

  13. Great idea and lovely designs!

  14. I love the bag, I would buy it!!!

  15. Love the "pikadoodled" bag! Happy that you found your niche..fabulous! Good luck on your mission!!
    : )

  16. The camper van bag is awesome!!! I would love to buy one!!!!
    Liked your blog design, congratulations!

  17. What a cute bag, one of those I save for decoration instead of using(not to get torn off). smile!

  18. I love your bag a fab design
