Monday 16 December 2013

Doodle days

Still doodling :)

Quite enjoying doodling the main theme of the day. One thing I have noticed is that Sunday's theme tends to be food related!!! Especially as we get closer to Christmas!!!

This week in doodles…

Monday - lots of bits to do which were all over the place
Tuesday - lists, lots of lists
Wednesday - paper culling
Thursday - time is flying
Friday - it's what Friday's are always about… Wine O Clock
Saturday - went on a bit of a housing hunting mission and found a loooooovely one
Sunday - a bit of a pre-christmas party at mum and dads - always yummy food and wine ;)

So, what's your week been like…

Monday 9 December 2013

Carry On Doodling

I've been carrying on the #doodleaday which I'm quite pleased with myself for doing - I get bored/distracted VERY easily! Some of the doodles aren't anything amazing, but it's just the process of illustrating the general activity of the day…

This week…

Monday was all about decorating the office.
Tuesday I'd had too much coffee!!!
Wednesday was Lisa's birthday, so lots of cake that day.
Thursday there was a lot of Christmas sing-a-long going on.
Friday I was trying to feel inspired!!!!
Saturday - cleaning, in preparation for putting up Christmas decs.
Sunday we had the first turkey dinner of the month :) Yummmmmmm

Monday 2 December 2013

Doodle Week

At the beginning of the week I embarked upon a Doodle a Day challenge, I thought rather than keep putting the doodles up on here every day I'd put all the doodles together at the end of the week.

I have been doing a doodle a day though - honest!! You can see the doodles on twitter, I did post them... @pikadoodles

Monday - Cold and tired = Coffee
Tuesday - Thoughts turned to having a stall at next Spring Handmade Nation fair
Wednesday - Lots of phone calls
Thursday - Lots of questions
Friday - Rushing around like a loon
Saturday - Rugby World Cup Final day - NZ v Aussies
Sunday - Long drive back to Warrington (5 hours!) tired eyes!
Today - All about Christmas decorating