Friday 21 September 2012


Ok, so enough of Christmas stuff.

I found a drawing that I did for someone else, that never got used - I quite like the quirky faces of the fairies, so I thought I'd depart from the Christmas theme - just for now - while we're still in September!!!

I'm thinking I might like this as a pillow or bedspread - well, I probably would have when I was about 7 or 8 :)

And yes, I know she's got a wonky face, but so have I :)

Monday 17 September 2012

Xmas Berry...

September has been a bit of a manic month, so doodling has had to take a back seat, however, I have managed a bit of doodle nod towards Christmas (which I hate to say it, is coming around sooooooooo quickly!!)

This is the Xmas Berry doodle....

Friday 7 September 2012

Just Circles...

In a previous blog I mentioned that I was going to be doing a "collection" called Just... I think I also mentioned that I like drawing circles, so I was rather pleased when another design challenge came up to design using circles only, and only 4 colours!!

Needless to say the Wacom pen was out and I was endlessly scribbling away!!

The challenge was to design 3 different patterns, that could all be used as the same collection, and this is my concoction....

I'm thinking tea towels might be quite nice...